Last Post: December 5
These are supposed to be semi-weekly rantings, not weekly rantings. So I'll get right to it.
I do not, however, have pictures. The other day (while I was all hopped up on Tylenol Cold & Sinus, I might add) I was busily removing inactive programs from our laptop and seem to have disconnected all of our wireless network capabilities from it. Since that's the computer from which I upload and post pictures, I suppose I'll have to try and fix it myself or pay a visit to the Geek Squad to figure it out for me.
And I was all ready to post (with pictures!) a cynical and mildly comedic story about the three of us being stuck in Cash Only, Oregon a couple of weekends ago. Did you know there was a town called McCleary, Oregon? Neither did we. Let's just say Jeromy had to make a pit stop at a hardware store to, in his very own words, "cool off."
We're all sick. A household full o' sick people. Some of us have had it for nearly three weeks now. Some of us are getting random fevers two weeks into this whatever-it-is. But we have to lay low and get better. Because it's the holidays.
Aaron (that's Blakley and Jarod's baby's name) continues to thrive in the NICU at Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland. I don't have much of an update, but we've heard that they removed his breathing tube on Friday (after having only been there for three full days) and so that's a great sign. They say he'll be there until at least the middle of January. They're in for a long haul, but with the Ronald McDonald house close by, that will help to make a difficult situation a little more bearable.
We haven't heard any recent news regarding Sarah and Carey's adoption. (See what I mean, internet, by laying low? Not only do we seem to ignore the cyber-world, but we tend to lose touch with other human family members too) Sarah and I did go shopping for newborn items on Sunday, however. It was fun picking through all those tiny outfits and re-visiting the world of bottles and size-one diapers.
Some of you may have heard that Mrs. Love has included me in her latest book, "Lessons with Love." Or, as Angie Rebella put it: "HOLY CRAP. Do you have an entire chapter in Mrs. Love's book?"
The answer is, um, I believe so butsheaskedmebeforehandandmadesureitwasokayand
So, all y'all please visit Sandpoint Online's general store ( and pre-order yourselves a book or three. I've read the prologue, and if that's any sign, it's her best book yet.
Signing Off. I have a date with Tylenol Cold & Sinus.
Oh yes, I have read that chapter, my friend. I'm so looking forward to seeing the thing in print! I think it's hilarious. Hope you all feel better!!
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