Tip: When downloading pictures onto your harddrive, one should always remember to remove the little memory thingy from the computer before taking off for two days of family fun. As in, lots of good picture taking opportunity family fun.
Cameron took in his first local ball game on Tuesday night (July 3). The Bend Elks were playing the Spokane Riverhawks and Bob Thomas Chevrolet was giving out free tickets, so what the heck... we decided to go. Roped several other young families into going with us and -voila!- instant fun fueled by four kids under the age of four, cheap beer and wonderful weather. Pictures? Not so much. Shannon took a few, so I'll have to get those from her soon.
On the Fourth of July, Jeromy went to work in the morning and Cameron and I hung around the house, played cars (and trains!) and did about 35 loads of laundry. After Jeromy came home and cleaned himself up, we headed over to Mark and Charlotte's new house for the festivities, fireworks in the front drive and fireworks from Pilot Butte. Mark made four batches of what can only be described as Jungle Juice (I was a little skeptical at first) and so everyone ate, drank and was/were merry. The City of Bend's fireworks were great as usual this year and, to add extra excitement, the brush and trees on the side slopes of the Butte caught fire like they'd never caught fire before. To hear it from the wife of a Bend Firefighter... "yeah, Pete says we've gotten off pretty easy the last few years so we were due." As we drove home (45 minutes after the end of the show) the Butte was still ablaze.
Since I don't have any of these pictures to post, here are some from our Tower Theatre staff barbeque that my boss hosted on Friday, June 29.

Looking over his shoulder to make sure Madison is going to tackle him. It's all about the tackle.
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