It's like deja vu, all over again
It's happening again.
Can't anyone in our family have a normal pregnancy?
When I was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia in my 28th week of pregnancy, we thought we learned a lot. In those eight weeks until Cameron was born, we did the tests and went through the motions and put my feet up until the swelling went down. Cam was premature, although not by that much. He spent 10 days in the nicu.
Fast forward three years to Blakley's pregnancy. In her 30th week, she completely bypassed pre-eclampsia and eclampsia and, in an incredible show of one-upsmanship, went straight to HELLP syndrome. The doctor on call that night could probably count on one hand the number of cases of HELLP he'd seen in all his years practicing medicine. Blakely was sick. Aaron was very sick... life-flighted to Portland and spent more than three months in the nicu.
And now it's happening again. Already troubled with type 2 and now gestational diabetes, Sarah is exhibiting signs of eclampsia... at 35 weeks and 1 day. She gained 10 pounds last week. She wears Carey's shoes to work. When I heard she had the pitting edema, I called her today to ask her just exactly when she was going to take herself down to Labor and Delivery. She was at work, but had a 3 pm doctor's appointment. I told her to prepare herself for the fact that she wouldn't be at work tomorrow. I don't think she believed me. After four hours at the hospital and a battery of tests later, she's now on bedrest at home. They almost admitted and delivered her tonight, but are going to revaluate in an appoitment on Friday.
The thing that's scary to us is that the same doctor who botched Blakely's case was on call tonight and sent Sarah home. Our advice: to regroup and get a second opinion at L & D tomorrow.
Prayers are welcome. We'll keep you posted.
Just wanted you to know that I'm thinking and praying for you all right now. Lots of Love from North Idaho!
What a wonderful way to communicate...sorry I did'nt look at this sooner. Self expression is inherent to us humans through art, music and writing. It is sharing... Thanks for sharing, I will stay posted.. Love Aunt Joan
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