Monday, September 19, 2005


Ruth Crawmer summed it up for me today: it's not potty miracle. It's potty training. After having gone several weeks with a dry overnight diaper and having now gone two weeks at Crawmers' showing enough interest in the whole potty process to warrant attention, Russ and Ruth approached me late last week with a new idea: potty training Cameron.

My reply: "sign me up. If you're that motivated, I'm on board."

So, we showed up today with a diaper on but enough clean underpants to clothe the entire Crawmers' group. I'm new to this whole parenting thing, so I thought I would let the professionals take over from square one. When I arrived to pick Cameron up at day's end, he was on his third pair of shorts and underpants for the day. The second pair of underpants went the way of the garbage can, but reports indicate that he did tinkle in the potty. Once.

In our several stops this evening, I made sure to put him on every potty available with no results. I limited his water intake as much as possible in our travels, but forgot the golden rule:
if he hasn't gone in more than three hours, really, really get him on the potty whenever you can. Sadly, Cameron had his fourth accident of the day in our driveway while mommy visited with the neighbors and fell completely off task. But hey... I'm in training too, right?


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