First Day(s) of School
Okay. So I'll admit Cameron's school schedule is a bit confusing, even to me. It goes as follows: Mondays and Wednesdays, he's in his preschool class with Mrs. Carpenter and Mr. Polk. He arrives at 8:30 and is through at 11:15. They take him next door to extended care for the remainder of the day. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, he's in extended care all day. Which we still call "school" and probably shouldn't because it's confusing the heck out of him.
So, first day is a Tuesday, so we're up for extended care. Since we now live in Redmond, I must get up at Oh-Dark-Thirty in order to get the two of us ready, fed and coffeed enough to hit the road at precisely 7:45.
Day One, Tuesday:
7:52*: Leave house. Am already running late, on the first day.
8:15: Train is still stopped on the tracks. Decide to take longer, alternate route.
8:30: Arrive at school. Cameron spots the toy bins, and takes off. I slip out with a quick hug/kiss and leave the building without incident... for my first day at the new job.
Day Two,: Wednesday
7:49: Leave the house. But who knew it would take me an extra four minutes to take five hundred pictures?
Mommy edits to add: the "boo-boos" on his face? Um, yeah. Apparently, Honey Nut Cheerio cereal breakfast bars have nuts in them. Who knew? Nothing on the label would indicate that there are nuts in them... perhaps just a production by-product, but he broke out in a nasty allergic rash nonetheless. So my bad. And? Picture day is when? Tomorrow.
8:08: Arrive at school. Too early, as it turns out. Because? No train! So we loiter and linger and finally go in the doors at 8:15.
8:16: Cameron clings to my leg
8:20: We "talk" about school and being a big boy and all that mommy-talk because I have a 9 am meeting for the love of Pete and you've been in daycare for most of your live-long years and also, whhhaaaa? Where is this coming from?
8:25: We go in the hallway to talk because there are now tears and wails and OMG I can't believe this is happening.
8:30: Bell rings. More wailing and now, shrieking!
8:32: Mrs. Carpenter (literally) peels Cameron from my loving arms and I rather ceremoniously skulk my way out of the classroom.
8:37: As I glance through the tiny peeophole classroom window, Cameron is still crying. He isn't even making the mixing motions or jumping up and down during the Milkshake Song. (no, not that Milkshake Song for those of you whose minds were in the gutter)
8:40: Okay. I really have to go. 9 am meeting.
9:02: 9 am meeting will start at 9:15. I have 13 minutes to sit, think and ask... what have I done?
*play-by-play format borrowed from and now properly credited to Amalah. For all you Amalah readers out there.
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