Thursday, September 07, 2006

Day Three

An extended care day.

So, yesterday when I picked Cameron up from school, we talked about what had happened that morning in the classroom. I told him about how sad it made mommy that he cried so much on his first day of school. I think I even shed a tear or two when I explained how upset it made me.

When daddy got home from work, he sat down and talked to Cameron about it.

About a half hour later, Grammy and Grampy called and talked to Cameron about it. By this time, I think he'd had enough of the pep talk already and he began making up stories about his teachers, but I think he got the message.

Although today was a day care day, he did great. A couple of loooooong hugs in the morning and a "mommy! one more hug" as I was walking out the door, but nothing like yesterday's public spectacle.

Crisis averted. For today.


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