Grand Theft Auto

This one seemed totally funny when we took it.
Also, this being the Miller house, some shoes arrived today! You know, I've discovered something about Nordstrom. They have a ridiculous clothing-to-shoe ratio going on there, especially with regards to toddler fashion. For every, let's say, 3T shirt, they have four or five different styles of shoes to choose from. It's bizzare. But fabulous when you need to find brown or black shoes for school. Like these little numbers:
Cameron: "Squeeeeee! More shoes!!!!"
I also took my Touareg in today to get it fixed. Again. Apparently, this headlight problem (and by problem, I mean THE HEADLIGHTS JUST SHUT OFF FOR NO REASON) is making all the fine folks down at Carrera scratch their heads in wonderment. This is the third time it's been in the shop in the last month. So this time? When I went to see if it was done at 4:30? And it wasn't? I just grabbed my carseat and ran, y'all. *** Because if it's taken them all day to fix the headlights for the third time, I should really get to drive this home:
I'll see your intro-Volkswagen-SUV and raise you an AUDI 8. As in 8 cylindars, baby. And maybe you can KEEP the headlight-shutting-off-Touareg. Well, okay, on second thought I'll start to miss it by Friday but I would really love it for the headlights to stay on all the time. Fumbling For Foglights while barreling down the highway at 70 miles per hour is no fun, people.
*** didn't actually have permission to drive the Audi home, but am justifying it in my own mind. And for the internet. Plus, I totally left a voicemail to tell them I was taking it home because Seriously? All day to fix the headlights?
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