Weekend in Review
Friday night was an ice cream social, held at Trinity School as a kick off to the new year. All the teachers manned the ice cream and the toppings and served us, parents and kids alike, with a sugar-high smile.
But first, we had an assembly and were introduced to all the teachers, administrators and support staff who we will be working with this year. They all lined up, single file in the gymnasium, and they stretched from one end of the gym to the other. Quite a feat for a little school with 400 students! There are five kids starting out in the newly-formed high school. That's five kids in 9th grade... with one teacher. Where else are you going to find those kinds of teacher to student ratios?
So, here are some pictures of the ice cream eating. Apologies in advance, but Cameron was having nothing to do with my requests for a picture while he was eating his precious sugar

The next night (Saturday), the guys were playing poker and so a few of us girls got together at Vaccaroville and chatted. We schemed up a trip for Thanksgiving that involves lots of food, football and the Polar Express train. The kids ran around and played until 10:30 pm-- late night for all of them. Cameron, interestingly, spotted Mia's watch during a trip to the bathroom and so HAD to wear her purple, flowery watch for the rest of the night. He was super great about giving it back too, but probably only because I had threatened him within an inch of not getting a watch of his own if he didn't give it back "how" it was time. Again with these Mother of the Year nominations. Really, you shouldn't.
And today... Jeromy has been watching football since 8:30 in the morning. Well, he showered and couldn't watch it in the bathroom, but other than that it has been on all four tv's for the whole God-loving day. Okay, I just checked and apparently football is no longer being broadcast at 9:32 pst and so he's watching the World Series of Poker. And swearing, because I'm making him do this:
I finally have blinds on ALL my windows! Yay! Also note, the half gallon of Jack Daniels. Because, really, he must be medicated to help me with the decorating.
Tomorrow: Day Two of actual pre-school. Wish me luck.
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