There are no words right now. Except maybe swear words
So, here's a good news/bad news post for you today.
The bad news?
I left a bunch of stuff in the back of the Audi I nearly stole yesterday. Which I returned today. With my stuff still in the trunk.
I had a rotten day at work.
I got rained on. In Central Oregon.
And, oh yeah... Cameron got beat up at school.
Okay, so maybe he didn't get beat up in the literal sense, but there was an "incident" involving TWO (count 'em two... they freaking ganged up on him) older "boys" where Cameron was laying (helpless and unprotected) on the floor and they were kicking him. Repeatedly. In the abdomen. Maliciously and with ill intent. Horrified, the teacher quickly gained control of the situation and put them in the corner, they had to apologize, their parents were made aware... yadda yadda yadda. Now that Jeromy and I have had a few hours to come down from our bat-shit crazy reaction (I cried a lot-Jeromy was visibly shaking) we've decided there are going to be consequences and repercussions. In the form of written referrals to the principal's office. Because-- you can't kick a three year old in glasses when he's helpless to defend himself. Especially at Trinity. We don't pay all that money every year to get the same shit you get at public school. Aaaggghhh.
The good news?
More shoes arrived today.
So, how many of you want to drive down here and strangle those two little bastards with me?
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