Back in Black

My dear husband made arrangements for Cameron to hang out with his Aunt Sarah and Uncle Carey this past Saturday so that we could both go to the OSU/USC game in Corvallis.
We've been buying season tickets since the fall of 2002, with the intention of making weekend trips to the valley every fall and spending time with Jeromy's Grandma in Albany. Usually it works out pretty well, but last fall and this fall with the house being built and with a lot of touch-up needing to be done, our games have not been as much a priority as in years past.
It's been at least two years since I've been able to go to an entire game, with just adults. It's been so long, I don't remember the last time I was inside Reser Stadium for more than fifteen minutes. Cameron doesn't tolerate the games very much, and with three of us occupying our two small stadium seats, Jeromy doesn't tolerate it for very long either. So I usually stay at home with Grandma while Jeromy goes to the game, but in the past few weekends I've opted to stay home and play catch up while he goes to and from Corvallis.
Which is why this weekend was extra special, what with Jeromy making plans so that the both of us could actually go to the game. Together.
Then, the Beavers did us one better by beating USC in what turned out to be a nail-biter, but a win nonetheless.

We Beaver fans were just a little bit excited.
There was even post-game tailgating.
Me: Still SO going to try and talk you out of going to the Civil War Game the day after Thanksgiving. Jeromy: Not on your life, sweetheart.
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