From my Better Late than Never File...

This picture was taken before we went trick-or-treating (in our old neighborhood on Robin Court), during Cameron's "I don't want to wear the Lion's Face" phase.
Cameron: (in his after-school whiny voice) "But I don't want to wear the lion's face"
Me: It will keep you warm, sweetie. It's about 27 degrees out right now.
Cameron: But I want to be a Power Ranger
Me: But you wanted to be Mufasa a few weeks ago, and I bought this costume off of Craig's List AND met the seller at Wal-Mart to get it for the Love of All That is Holy and so you're going to wear it.
Cameron: But I don't want to wear the Lion's face.
Me: But it's about 17 degrees out here right now...
Cameron: But I don't wa--
Me: Talk to your father.
Also, in the dark? and depending on which angle you looked at this costume? Cameron also looked a little like Tina Turner.
See that? See that RIGHT THERE? Captain Hook on the left and Tina Turner on the right?
... heh heh heh... hangin' out with a Jets Cheerleader. Sa-weet!
LOVE IT! That's hilarious...especially the Jets cheerleader comment. Congrats on another win. I think they beat ASU this weekend, right?? A good time to be a Beaver! We're pretty thrilled here...Michigan is 10-0.
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