Thursday, June 28, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Preparing for our Camping Trip
For some reason, it's bothering me that it still takes me three days to pack five rubbermaid totes, three coolers, many (many) sleeping bags and three suitcases to go camping.
For a day and a half.
Here's our week so far...
Monday: Work, attempt to relocate camping stuff from recent (but really not-so-recent) move
Tuesday: Work, empty all camping totes to clean up from last camping trip. Which, incidentally, was in May, 2006. Wash, repack, restock... repeat.
Wednesday: Work, go to Army Surplus store to buy more blankets and an electric blow up pumpy thing because our $200 AeroBed has sprung a leak somewhere and we don't have time to diagnose the culprit. Drive 2 and a half hours (round trip) to "secure" a camping spot... only to decide to pitch our tent next to Mark and Charlotte's RV anyway.
Thursday: Work, shop for groceries for camping trip, pack coolers.
...okay, so that's four days.
We're headed up to South Twin Lake this weekend for our annual Father's Day Camping weekend. This time, we're actually going to camp. Some of you may remember from my 2004 Christmas letter that I recounted our first attempt at camping... the time when Cameron screamed in the tent for three hours and we drove home in the middle of the night? Well, we're headed back to the same spot. Even pitched our tent very nearly in the exact same place.
I'd better go knock on some wood now.
Have a great Father's Day, everyone!
Friday, June 01, 2007
It's a Ceremony
About a year ago, all Cameron wanted to watch was The Incredibles. So the following comes to you courtesy of my memory and also approximately 568 viewings of The Incredibles to date:

Here's Cameron's Pre-K 3 "graduation" "ceremony" today, which was supposed to be held in the backyard at Crawmer's Critterz. However, thanks to a sudden rainstorm of Biblical proportions and a 15-minute power outage, it was moved to the Red Cross classroom. (of all places)
They sang songs (in sign language, too), including a sweet one called "We're Building a Better World." Cameron didn't really pay much attention and I'm pretty sure lip-synched through most of the performance. We caught Zach yawning on tape. Ethan was in true form today-- the best singer out there-- and he bowed very gentleman-like after each song was finished. Cooper managed to stay on stage this time, but only after yelling "Mommy! Don't look at me!," at which point Nikki and Greg hid behind Mike and Kerry for the rest of the performance.
We got to catch up with parents we don't normally see at drop off and pick up and then we went out for dinner next door at El Cap. It was a great evening.
Cameron would like to say that he loves you all. And also that he can lip-synch very well.