Just because it's Pepsi Family Day (and the rides are like, 1/2 price...) doesn't mean it's all that great an idea to
1. Call and invite Ethan, but only on the condition that he sleeps over because you don't want to drive him all the way back to Bend at all hours of the night.
2. Propose a first-ever Official Sleepover for two not-quite- four and a half year olds.
3. Fill both of them full of fair food and sugar and then try to get them to go to bed. At 11 pm, which is about 3 hours after their normal bedtimes.
4. Limit Ethan's late-night phone calls to mom. (although he was completely satisfied after the 11:30 call)
5. Do this all on a Wednesday night.
6. The night before your internal audit is conducted at work. Auditor: Can I see your July bank statements? Me: No. I hosted a First Ever Official Sleepover for two not-quite four and a half year olds last night. So sorry. (OK, not really my response... but maybe what I wanted to say)

At least we all had fun. It took me a couple days to recover, though.