Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Deep in the Hundred Acre Woods...

Last weekend marked seven years since we've moved to Central Oregon from the Coast.

On that beautiful day seven years ago, we quickly realized that we needed to get some firewood - asap - if we were to make it through the winter, since the house we rented before we built the Robin Court house was heated with a wood stove.

So the weekend after we moved, we went up and collected a few cords of firewood with friends and family... namely Mark. We told him we'd pay him back one day. Well, this weekend we paid back our favor. It only took us seven years, but we made good on our word.
A few sore muscles, but a good day's work. And it was fun.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

He has the skillz

Mom, Dad


the handful of others who stop by every now and then....

Please take a second to say thanks to my awesome brother in law, who re-installed my wireless internet capabilities that will now, in all likelihood, increase my posting frequency because it's-- well, it's just much easier working wirelessly.

Mad skillz, he has.

Thanks again, Carey.

Family Pumpkin Patch Day

Introducing Isaac to the Wonders of the Pumpkin Patch. The calm, subdued pumpkin patch that didn't require a paper bag for me to breathe into in case of emergency. (see post below)

This year, they built the corn maze and the attractions surrounding a Pirate theme.

OMG, ladies (you know who you are...) Perfect!

Pumpkin Patch v2007

Or, Yay!
Let's make Angela hyperventilate for two solid hours.

I was in charge of three of the kids in this picture (Cameron included). Amazingly, I can find all of them in this picture.

Last year? At this Pumkin Patch? Picture about 100 more seventh-graders racing around like crazed pre-teens while keeping an eye on three 3-year-olds and holding a baby.

This year there were WAY more parents. Yet, I still very much enjoyed snack time. When they were all sitting. I've decided I may never recover from the Trauma of 2006.

Haima Family Reunion 3

Only three weeks late...

Once again, we gathered at the Hallmark Resort in beautiful Newport, Oregon. The weather held up and nearly all of Grandma Haima's family was there.

Most of the great-grandkids

Safety in numbers!

Cameron and Queenie

From Left to Right: Cameron, Larry, Charlie Crouse III and Charlie Crouse II. Flying kites.

Thank you, Grandma, for getting us all together again. Can't wait for the next one!