It's been a combination of excitement! excitement! excitement! and boring boring boring this week. Plus, I forgot to tote my camera along with me. I even forgot to take my keys to the building when I left for work on Friday morning. Needless to say, I've spent much of this weekend Getting It Together. But here's what went down at the 'Castle this past week:
Sunday: Decorated Isaac's room. With their leave date from Ohio quickly approaching, I decided it was time to get in gear and decorate Isaac's nursery. Charlotte and I schemed up a plan to surprise the new parents and add some monkey and jungle-themed items that I had been picking up in my travels for months to his nursery and so Sunday evening seemed the best time to do it. A couple hours later (and with Randy, Carey's brother playing with Cameron for much of the time) we knocked it out. Here are some pictures...

Monday: Found out they were coming home on Tuesday!
Tuesday: Big welcome-home party for Sarah, Carey and Isaac. After getting on a plane at 4 am our time, they finally got into the Redmond airport at 5:30 pm and arrived home around 6:30, to a bunch of family and a great dinner courtesy of Jean and Blakley. I, of course, forgot my camera, but there are lots of pictures lurking about and I will be sure to get a couple asap.
Wednesday: Wine tasting at work. Did I mention I love my job? Karin in concessions is adding premium wines to our beverage selections and so we just had to all get together to put a plug in for our favorites. Cameron tagged along and played with my co-workers' kids. The guys at Columbia Distributing were kind enough to bring us a dozen choices to select from, and we were happy to oblige and give our opinions. And polish off said dozen bottles. Then! Since our dear President was giving a televised speech later that evening, our tech guys lowered the movie screen in the theatre and plugged the cable feed so that we could all get together and heckle him, his advisors and his general policy. We stopped just short of throwing popcorn at the screen, but only because we would have had to clean it up ourselves.
Thursday: Jeromy taught in the evening. Cam and I stayed home all day because it was so cold! Shopped online for Cameron's new bedroom... see below.
Friday: Forgot my work keys. Very cold in the morning, standing outside ringing the bell for someone to come open the back door and save me. After picking Cameron up from school, we ran a couple of errands and then met Jeromy at Costco to pick up Cam's new big boy bed.
Saturday: Cameron's room. But suddenly blogger won't upload any pictures. I'll see what I can do in another post, but let's just say that Cameron got his big boy bed and then we added some items (like window treatments, finally) to help with the planes, trains and automobiles theme. Our Pottery Barn Kids items are due to arrive in the coming week, which will help as well and now finally, Cameron's room is done. I can check that one off the list and move onto another room in the house.
Nobody tells you that when you build a new house, it could take months to get it just right. Months!