Summer is Officially Here
This will be my (wait... let me count on my fingers)
He pauses, so that readers can get the full ice cream effect
This will be my (wait... let me count on my fingers)
He pauses, so that readers can get the full ice cream effect
My mom brought a disk of all of her digital pictures of Cameron.
(Can you see that giant weed pit just to the right of this egg-hunting Cameron?)
To this:
The fence was added a couple of weeks ago. We're planning on hiding the giant electrical box with trees and shrubs later, but what a difference! My parents and grandparents offered to come and help out with this huge task-- something that would have taken us days to accomplish. So a big thanks (again) to them.
Other major accomplishments during the holiday weekend:
Mom, Grandma, Lyndie and I pickled 75 pounds of asparagus
We dealt with some major drainage issues in our driveway and yard
Washed vehicles (with our very own hands... not through the carwash)
And visited with family.
Cameron sure had fun.
Happy Birthday, Ethan!
Can you see that? That ball is floating in mid-air... in the Laballatory!
So this is what leftover $450 cheesecake looks like, huh?