There are days that I just love living in Central Oregon.
Take Friday, for instance. Only from Cenral Oregon can one be up at Mt. Bachelor at two o'clock in the afternoon and then on the Pacific Ocean for a late dinner.
I didn't get any pictures of our afternoon up at Bachelor, but it was an amazing day. The snow was great. The conditions were perfect. There were no lift lines. The four of us-- my boss, a co-worker, a volunteer and myself were all pretty much at the same ski ability (although Eli and Don could be considered experts while Lisa and myselft stuck either to the groomed or only slightly off the groomed). We made 12 or 13 runs in 21/2 hours-- not a bad accomplishment. I forgot how the runs at Bachelor seem to go on forever. It was a great day.
We hopped in the car at around 4 on Friday afternoon and headed for Newport. Courtney's meet was at 8 am the next morning. She did extremely well again this time, scoring first in the all-around and first on every event except the beam.

After the meet, we headed to the Oregon Coast Aquarium. To hang with the sharks. And play with the sea anemones.

That night, we had dinner at the hotel, where Mark and Charlotte ran into the girls' pediatric dentist, Dr. Rex. Who sent FIVE (count 'em, 5) desserts to our table for the girls to enjoy. And, probably, for just a little extra job security.
On Sunday, we hit the beach in the morning and then stopped off at Reser Stadium on our way home. We also visited for more than an hour with Grandma, who didn't go to Palm Desert this year. I'll put up more pictures in a seperate post; blogger doesn't seem to want me to add any more to this one...