Monday, February 19, 2007

New Blogger. More Pictures

Soooo. I really don't think that this new blogger is all it's cracked up to be.

I put off moving from Old Blogger to New Blogger. I put it off for as long as I possibly could.

And they made me get a new google account (just another way for them to send me email spam) for this?

Anyway, I digress. Hey look! Pictures!

AND, further proof that Jeromy will play just about anything, with extra points if it involves the Xbox 360:

Ahem. The video game version of Cars. Purchased in the name of father-son bonding. As if we weren't already surrounded by enough Cars, already.

Jeromy's actually concentrating. And, at 9:25 pm, he's still playing. Cameron went to bed an hour and a half ago.

I rest my case.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Because the guys just can't drive through Corvallis without stopping...


They wanted to check the progress on the south boxes going up. Reser Stadium is getting even more seats for the upcoming football season, which is why we Miller kids breathed a collective sigh of relief when Grandma told us she had gifted the family with another parking pass! (thanks, Grandma!)

Cam on the Coast

More Aquarium Pictures

The Girls At Dinner

Did I mention Mark and Charlotte had two extra gymnasts with them this trip?

Dessert, courtesy of the dentist...

Our Whirlwind Weekend

There are days that I just love living in Central Oregon.

Take Friday, for instance. Only from Cenral Oregon can one be up at Mt. Bachelor at two o'clock in the afternoon and then on the Pacific Ocean for a late dinner.

I didn't get any pictures of our afternoon up at Bachelor, but it was an amazing day. The snow was great. The conditions were perfect. There were no lift lines. The four of us-- my boss, a co-worker, a volunteer and myself were all pretty much at the same ski ability (although Eli and Don could be considered experts while Lisa and myselft stuck either to the groomed or only slightly off the groomed). We made 12 or 13 runs in 21/2 hours-- not a bad accomplishment. I forgot how the runs at Bachelor seem to go on forever. It was a great day.

We hopped in the car at around 4 on Friday afternoon and headed for Newport. Courtney's meet was at 8 am the next morning. She did extremely well again this time, scoring first in the all-around and first on every event except the beam.

After the meet, we headed to the Oregon Coast Aquarium. To hang with the sharks. And play with the sea anemones.

That night, we had dinner at the hotel, where Mark and Charlotte ran into the girls' pediatric dentist, Dr. Rex. Who sent FIVE (count 'em, 5) desserts to our table for the girls to enjoy. And, probably, for just a little extra job security.

On Sunday, we hit the beach in the morning and then stopped off at Reser Stadium on our way home. We also visited for more than an hour with Grandma, who didn't go to Palm Desert this year. I'll put up more pictures in a seperate post; blogger doesn't seem to want me to add any more to this one...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Whoa... where'd the week go?

Um, I can't find my camera.

It's somewhere in this house. But no matter, because I only have SuperBowl pictures on it.

Yes, SuperBowl, 2007. We had a houseful-- 10 kids and 7 adults. This is only because the Brady Bunch, I mean the Mabbitts, were here with their seven children. Yes, actually seven.


It was 73 degrees outside.

So the kids played football outside and we had something of a mid-afternoon adult party inside and it all went so swimmingly. Thanks in part to the amazing Cameron and my beautiful yard.

Here's the week in (brief) review:

Friday, Feb 2-- I had my third anniversary of my 29th birthday. And I made Jeromy take me to Bingo at the American Legion. Ha!
Saturday, Feb 3-- Courtney kicked proverbial butt at another gymnastics meet, this time at the Deschutes County Fair and Expo center in Redmond. Also, Fiddler on the Roof childrens' matinee. Great show! Then, Bailey's 7th birthday party. Phew! it was a busy day.
Sunday, Feb 4-- Super Bowl 2007.
Monday, Feb 5-- Bruce Hornsby concert at the Tower. He was an amazing performer and a really nice guy too.
Tuesday, Feb 6-- Catching up
Wednesday, Feb 7-- Catching up
Thursday, Feb 8-- Kerry Mawdsley and I took all three kids to school and went skiing. Just the mommies.
Friday, Feb 9-- Am ditching work with my boss after an early morning meeting and four of us are heading up to Mt. Bachelor. Until 3, which is our scheduled time to leave for the Oregon Coast, where Courtney is competing in another meet.

We will watch her, and we will also visit this place.

And I will have lots of pictures. I promise (dad...) !

Thursday, February 01, 2007

A Happy Day Skeeting

Today, we made plans to go skiing with our friends Ethan and Kerry (see picture, just below). Kerry wanted to meet early and get up there early, which was great with me. I figured Cameron would last until about noon and then totally lose his mind and all ability to physically coordinate his 34-pound body.

Imagine my surprise when, at about 2 pm, he finally got it. And skiied all by himself the rest of the day. Riders on the chairlift above probably thought I was some insane mini-ski coach slash restauranteur, with my all shrieking commands from the bunny hill run.

Me: Okay! Pizza! Bigger pizza wedge! You're going too fast... GIANT PIZZA! morepizzamorepizzamorepizza. You're doing so great! Okay! French Fries to the bottom!

If you can't already tell, Cameron didn't get it until I finally resorted to, embraced and then just finally went all crazy with the food analogies. It was smooth sailing from there.

See that right there? That would be little pizza wedge.